配料 / Ingredients:

  • 一盒仙鶴牌福祿魚漿
  • 中號彩色甜椒數顆
  • 2顆青蔥
  • 1小把芫荽(香菜)
  • 粟粉(玉米粉)1茶匙
  • 2大匙(約20ml)水或高湯
  • 鹽少許

  • 1 case of Flamingo Fish Paste with Pork
  • Several bell pappers
  • 2 green onions
  • 1 small bunch of cilantro
  • 1 tsp millet flour (corn flour)
  • 2 spoon (20ml) water or broth
  • 1 pinch of salt

步驟 / Directions:

  1. 取一個碗,放入魚浆,少許鹽和水/高湯。
  2. 將青蔥和芫荽切碎。
  3. 將青蔥絲和芫荽絲倒在混合魚浆裡,攪拌均勻待用。
  4. 將彩色甜椒從中間切開,取出內籽。
  5. 在彩椒裡面灑上少許粟粉,釀上去的魚浆就較易黏著不掉。
  6. 將魚浆釀如一半的彩椒之內。鋪平表面
  7. 用大火燒熱平底鑊,下油,轉中慢火,把釀好的彩椒煎至表面金黃色,兜起。
  8. 可以配越式辣椒醬,魚露或者中式蒜蓉豆豉醬酌白飯享用。
  1. In a bowl, put Flamingo Brand Fish Paste with Chicken or Pork, pinch of salt, and water.
  2. Mince the green onion and cilantro.
  3. Mix the chopped green and cilantro into fish paste with chicken/prok and mix well.
  4. Cut bell pepper to half and remove the seeds inside.
  5. Sprinkle small amount of millet flour into the pepper. The millet flour will help mixed fish paste stay in the bell papper and not fall of easily.
  6. Stuffed the mixed fish paste in the half bell peppers and make the surface to smooth.
  7. In a wok, heat a thin layer of oil over high heat utill almost smoking and turn the fire low. Put the stuffed bell pepper into oil till both sides golden brown. Drain the pepper on a rack over a sheet pan.
  8. Enjoy with Vietnamese chili sauce or Chinese style garlic black bean sauce and white rice.