配料 / Ingredients:
- 豬肉扎, 凍肉扎, 炸雞肉札和 炸豬肉餅 各50克 (依個人口味添加或減少)
- 紅黃甜椒各半顆
- 洋蔥半顆
- 薑絲少許
- 香油1茶匙
- 高湯3大匙
- 黑胡椒少許
- 太白粉1茶匙
- 鹽少許
- Pork Meat Loaf, Pork Skin Loaf, Fried Chicken Loaf and Fried Pork Paties
- Half red bell pepper,half green bell pepper and half yellow bell pepper
- Half onion
- A small piece of ginger
- 3 tsb. chicken broth or vegetable broth
- Broth 3 spoons
- 1 pinch of black pepper
- 1 pinch of salt
步驟 / Directions:
- 將各類肉札切絲。(依照各人口味)
- 彩椒去頭尾剔除白筋切細絲,洋蔥和薑切細絲。
- 將鍋加熱,加2~3大匙油,油熱至4~5成熱時放入洋蔥絲輕炒。
- 加入彩椒絲翻炒1分鐘
- 將肉札絲倒入鍋中再翻炒1-2分鐘。大工告成!
- Julienne All kinds meat loaves. (Adjust to your taste).
- Cut half the bell peppers and remove the top, bottom and seed. Julienne the bell pepper, onion and ginger.
- In a wok, add 2 spoons of cooking oil and heat over high heat until almost smoking. Add the onion and stir fry till turning soft.
- Add the all the bell pepper and stir fry for 1 minute.
- Add all kinds of meat loaves and salt and pepper and continue stirring for another 1-2 minute and enjoyed.