配料 / Ingredients:

  • 一盒仙鶴牌故鄉魚漿
  • ½ 杯青蔥
  • ½ 杯芫荽(香菜)
  • 烹調用油
  • 鹽少許
  • 1 case of Flamingo Fish Paste
  • ½ cup green onions
  • ½ cup of cilantro
  • Cooking oil
  • 1 pinch of salt

步驟 / Directions:

  1. 取一個碗,放入魚浆,少許鹽。
  2. 將青蔥和芫荽切碎。
  3. 將青蔥絲和芫荽絲倒在混合魚浆裡,攪拌2-3 分鐘,直至均勻。
  4. 在鍋子裡放少許油,用勺子舀出魚漿放入鍋中並壓成餅型。
  5. 用中火火燒熱平底鑊,下油,把魚餅煎至表面金黃色,兜起。
  6. 切片或塊,可以白飯享用或作為餐前菜。
  1. In a bowl, put Flamingo Brand Fish Paste, pinch of salt.
  2. Mince the green onion and cilantro.
  3. Mix the chopped green onion and cilantro into fish paste and mix well for 2-3 minute.
  4. In frying pan put in the cooking oil and scooped the fish paste and flatted down to the thickness that you desire.
  5. Turn on the heat on minimum and cooked until both side it golden brown.
  6. Slices or cut to small pieces. Enjoy with rice or as appetizer.