味香 豬皮絲 Vị Hương Cooked Sliced Pork Skin
味香好味: 豬皮絲具有獨特又脆又滑的彈牙口感,豬皮富含膠原蛋白,美味又養顏。
真安全: 味香豬皮絲通過USDA檢驗合格,不含反式脂肪,嚴選上等食材製造、真材實料。產品全程美國製造,安全有保障。
產品重量 9 oz
食用方法: 可混和米粉、花生、魚露食用涼拌食用,是炎熱夏季中消暑又爽口的開胃菜,爽口不油膩,亦可用來製作越式春捲;稍為炒,可用搭配碎米飯、或加入越式湯粉食用。
True Safety: Vi Huong Cooked Sliced Pork Skin are completely manufactured and packaged at our USDA and FDA registered plants using nutritious ingredients that do not contain trans-fats. We continually strive to develop better and healthier food, using better and healthier ingredients in order to provide our customers a satisfying experience with our products.
Tasty Vi Huong: Vi Huong Cooked Pork Skin confidently present the fresh pork skin, it’s chewy and rich in colloid.
Ways to Enjoy: Simply mix the Vi Huong Pork Skin with cooked rice noodle, peanuts, fish sauce for the cold cut dish, it’s the refreshing and tasty appetizer to enjoy in the hot summer time. It can also be add to in Vietnamese spring rolls, noodle soups. Or stir fry and enjoy it with broken rice.
產品代碼 Item #: GV211 (9 oz)