故鄉 凍肉札 Quê Hương Pork Skin Loaf

故鄉味: 由豬瘦肉加豬皮做成絞肉,再清蒸而成,油脂含量少,調味只用少許鹽與黑胡椒,風味很清爽,有著黑胡椒的辛香微辣,吃來很有飽足感,這才是越南道地風味。

真安全: 所故鄉凍肉札通過USDA檢驗合格,不含反式脂肪,嚴選上等食材製造、真材實料。產品全程美國製造,安全有保障。

產品重量: 12 oz

食用方法: 產品已熟,適合冷食,可以直接切片擺盤食用。在餐點的搭配上更是豐富多元,切片後,可用於涼拌食用、夾法國麵包或吐司、做沙拉拼盤、搭配麵點,隨自己喜愛或創意做變化。

Authentic Taste: Pork Skin Loaf is known as Vietnamese sausage or Vietnamese ham. It is made from pounded lean pork loin, pork skin and premium fish sauce, wrapped in banana leaves and boiled. It’s unique, tasty yet ready-to-eat dish which is best for family gathering and cocktail banquets.

True Safety: Que Huong Pork Skin Loaf are completely manufactured and packaged at our USDA and FDA registered plants using nutritious ingredients that do not contain trans-fats. We continually strive to develop better and healthier food, using better and healthier ingredients in order to provide our customers a satisfying experience with our products.

Ways to Enjoy: Que Huong Pork Skin Loaf goes well with anything from sticky rice cakes, steamed rice rolls, and noodle soups. It can simply be sliced and eat or added into sandwich. Or it can be dipped in a chili fish sauce and eaten with rice. Bon Appétit!

產品代碼 Item #: GQ416 (12 oz)