仙鶴 故鄉魚漿 Flamingo Fish Paste
仙鶴好味: 選用大型旗魚,去除紅肉與雜質等高級食材所製作的魚漿,口感彈牙,鮮味十足。調味過的魚漿具有黏性,被廣泛運用於餡料與食材的鑲合。
真安全: 仙鶴潮州魚丸通過USDA檢驗合格,不含反式脂肪、 不含硼砂,嚴選上等食材製造、真材實料。產品全程美國製造,安全有保障。
產品重量: 小包装:12 oz / 大包装: 5 lbs
食用方法: 可以料理的方式相當多樣化,可當火鍋料、炒菜、炸物,微波或烤箱即可食用,例如:鑲苦瓜、鑲豆腐、肉羹、魚條、魚餅、苦瓜封等,方便又美味,讓您發揮豐富想像力,創造出各式各樣的料理。
Fresh Taste: Made with fresh fish, Flamingo confidently present the flavorful yet tasty Fried Fish Cake.
True Safety: Flamingo Fish Paste are completely manufactured and packaged at our USDA and FDA registered plants using nutritious ingredients that do not contain trans-fats and borax. We continually strive to develop better and healthier food, using better and healthier ingredients in order to provide our customers a satisfying experience with our products.
Net Weights: Small: 12 oz / Large: 5 lbs
Ways to Enjoy: There are various ways to cook with Flamingo Fish Paste in terms of boiling (fish ball), steaming (with bean curd , stuffing (yong tau fu), pan-frying or deep-frying (patties, fish cakes).
產品代碼 Item #: GF121 (12 oz) / GF158 (5 lbs)