配料 / Ingredients:
- 一包故鄉牌香烧猪肉丸
- 烤肉用竹签
- 彩色甜椒
- 洋葱
- One pack Quê Hương Cured Pork for BBQ
- Skewer sticks
- Bell pepper
- Onion
步驟 / Directions:
- 將彩色甜椒和洋蔥切成小塊。
- 將故鄉牌香燒豬肉丸撮圆,在微波爐裡預熱1分鐘。
- 用竹籤將肉丸,彩椒塊和洋蔥塊間隔着串起。
- 將肉串放在燒烤爐上,中火烤。 直到肉丸表面呈微焦狀至熟透,期間每隔2分鐘翻轉一次。
- 大功告成!享用美味可口的香燒豬肉丸串串樂。
- 將香烧猪肉丸做成丸子型放入微波爐裡預熱1分鐘。
- 在平底鍋中放入少許油,加熱。油4成熱時一下放入香烧猪肉丸。
- 將一面煎至金黃色,滾動翻至另一面,直至兩面金黃,熟透,即可裝盤。
- 用蔬菜點綴即可。
Method One
- Cut bell peppers, onions into dice.
- Form Quê Hương Cured Pork for BBQ into meatballs. Precook the meatballs in the microwave 1 minute.
- Thread the meatballs, diced bell peppers, onions onto bamboo skewers.
- Grill the meatballs, a few skewers at a time, turning frequently, until cooked.
- Done! Enjoy the delicious skewers.
Method Two
- Form Quê Hương Cured Pork for BBQ into meatballs. Precook the meatballs in the microwave 1 minute.
- Add oil into a pan. Heat up the oil to medium hot. Put the meatballs into the pan.
- Fried the meatballs one side to golden brown, then turn to other side. Turning frequently, until cooked.
- Done! Decorated with vegetables and enjoy.