配料 / Ingredients:
- 1 包冷凍 故鄉玉米粒
- ¼杯西米
- 5 茶匙湯
- ½ 茶匙鹽
- 1升水
- 3茶匙木薯澱粉
- 一罐椰子奶/奶油 14oz
- 3茶匙糖
- ¼ 鹽
- 2茶匙木薯澱粉
- 1 pack frozen Quê Hương Cutted Corn Kernels
- ¼cup glutinous rice
- 5 tsp. sugar
- ½ tsp salt
- 1 liter water
- 3 tsp. tapioca starch
Coconut Milk
- 1 can coconut cream/milk 14oz
- 3 tsp. sugar
- ¼ tsp salt
- 2 tsp. tapioca starch
步驟 / Directions:
- 在鍋子裡加水並煮滾。下入玉米粒。再次煮滾並撇出泡沫。轉入中火。
- 將洗好的西米倒入玉米粒中並輕輕攪動,以免西米粘到鍋底。小火熬煮15-20分鐘,西米變得透明,鍋裡的水超過玉米粒一點點。 期間偶爾攪動一下,以免西米和玉米粘到鍋底。
- 待到玉米和西米變得粘稠。依照個人口味添加加入糖和鹽。將木薯澱粉混入少量水。然後慢慢的攪動並注入到玉米粒中。注意,玉米粒應該會很粘,但不是很乾。
- 關火,冷卻。
- 將椰子奶小火煮開,再加入糖和鹽。然後將木薯澱粉糊慢慢地注入其中,知道椰奶開始變得粘稠。不需將或有的澱粉全部加入椰子奶中。椰奶嘗應該有一點甜甜咸咸的。
- 倒一些椰奶在玉米西米糊上。依照個人喜好冷食或熱食。
- In a pot add in the water and bring to boil. Add in the Cutted Corn Kernels. Bring to boil and remove foam. Then turn heat to medium.
- Rinse the glutinous rice and then pour in with the corn. Stir to prevent rice sticking to the bottom of pot. Cook until rice is tender and liquid almost dry and at the level of corn. Should take about 15-20 minutes. Stir occasionally to prevent sticking to bottom of pot.
- The corn and rice should thicken up at this point. Add in the sugar and salt. Stir and taste. Mix the tapioca starch with water and slow stir into the corn. The corn should be thicken but not dry.
- Remove from heat and let it cool.
- Bring coconut milk to a slow boil. Add in the sugar and salt. Then slowly pour in the starch. Do not need to pour all starch into the coconut milk. The coconut milk should be slightly thicken with a hint of sweet and slight salty.
- Pour some corns into a bowl and add in coconut milk. Serve hot or cold.