配料 / Ingredients:


  • 2罐罐裝清雞湯 (或者您可以參照 豬肉丸米粉 湯底的做法)
  • 1杯水
  • ½ 黃洋蔥
  • 2片姜(依照個人口味調試)


  • 仙鶴牌潮州魚丸 , 仙鶴牌潮州炸魚丸 和 仙鶴牌潮州炸魚餅
  • 8oz. 故鄉牌肇慶米粉
  • 1條酸竹筍
  • 1顆番茄
  • 2茶匙紅辣椒粉
  • 3湯匙油
  • 招牌炸魚餅
  • 少許青蔥,芫荽(香菜)和炒香蔥

The soup

  • 2 cans of chicken broth (Or you can use Pork Balls and Mushrooms Noodle Soup (Bun Moc) as reference )
  • 1 cup of water
  • ½ yellow onion
  • 2 slice of ginger (adjust to your taste)


  • Flamingo Cooked Fish Balls , Flamingo Fried Fish Balls and Flamingo Fried Fish Cakes ,
  • 8oz. Quê Hương Chao Ching Rice Stick
  • 1 stick of bamboo shoot cut into thin slices strip
  • 1 Tomato
  • 2 tsp. paprika
  • 3 tbsp. cooking oil
  • Signature Fried Fish Paste Cake
  • 1 pinch of green onion, cilantro and fried shallot

步驟 / Directions:

  1. 將清水,洋蔥和薑片倒入雞湯或豬肉湯中,燉煮15分鐘。
  2. 小火加熱烹調油,加入紅辣椒粉。 待用。
  3. 將竹筍洗乾淨,切成粗絲。
  4. 在另外一個鍋子裡加入鹽和竹筍絲,然後煮5分鐘,撈出,用冷水沖洗。
  5. 魚丸和炸魚丸切成一半。炸魚餅切片,番茄切小塊。
  6. 將切好的魚丸,番茄和竹筍下入湯內。在小火上加熱5分鐘,下入米粉。
  7. 倒入紅辣椒粉油,大功告成!
  1. Add water, onion and ginger into canned chicken broth or pork broth and cook 15 minutes.
  2. Low fire to heat up cooking oil and add the paprika into the oil. Leaved on the side.
  3. Julienne the bamboo.
  4. In a separated pot add in a pinch of salt and cook the bamboo for 5 minutes. Fish them out and wash with cold water.
  5. Cut all the fish balls into half. Slice fish cake and tomato.
  6. Add the fish balls, tomato and the bamboo in the soup. Boil the soup in minimum heat for 5 minute and add rice vermicelli noodle.
  7. Pour the paprika oil into the soup. Enjoy!