配料 / Ingredients:

  • 豬肉扎, 凍肉扎, 凍豬腳札, 水晶肉, 炸雞肉札和 炸豬肉餅 各50-100克 (依個人口味添加或減少)
  • 青蔥和芫荽(香菜)少許
  • Pork Meat Loaf , Pork Skin Loaf, Pork Roll Sausage, Head Cheese, Fried Chicken Loaf andFried Pork Paties each 50-100g (Adjust to your taste)
  • one green onion and several cilantro

步驟 / Directions:

  1. 將各式的肉札切片,依照自己的喜愛方式。
  2. 青蔥切絲,芫荽切段做裝飾。 肉品拼盤,即切即食,方便美味。
  1. Slice all kinds of the meat loaves, place the meat slices with your own way.
  2. Julienne the green onion and cilantro as decoration. Enjoy!