配料 / Ingredients:

  • 越南法式麵包一條
  • 若干片故鄉牌豬肉扎, 凍肉札 和凍豬腳札(隨個人口味增減)
  • 故鄉牌豬肝醬(隨個人口味增減)
  • 新鮮黃瓜,芫荽,辣椒 (隨個人口味增減)
  • 越式醃甜酸白紅蘿蔔絲 (隨個人口味增減)
  • One loaf baguette
  • Several slices of Que Huong Pork Meat Loaf, Pork Skin Loaf and Pork Roll Sausage
  • 3 tbsp Que Huong Liver Pate (Adjust to your taste)
  • Fresh cucumber, jalapeno, cilantro
  • Carrot Diakon Pickles / Do Chua

步驟 / Directions:

  1. 將豬肉札,凍肉札和凍豬腳札切片。
  2. 將豬肝醬均勻塗抹在法式麵包裡。
  3. 黃瓜和辣椒切片,芫荽切長段。
  4. 將切片肉札和切片鮮蔬夾在麵包中。
  5. 大功告成!享用美味可口的越式三明治。
  1. Slice several pieces of the meat loaves (Adjust to your taste).
  2. Spread the Live Pate on the bread (Adjust to your taste).
  3. Slice the cucumber, jalapeno and cut cilantro.
  4. Put the slice meat loaves and fresh vegetable in to the bread.
  5. Done! Enjoy the delicious sandwich.