配料 / Ingredients:
- 两包400克故鄉牌木薯粉
- 200毫升椰奶
- 4湯匙 融化的黄油
- 2個 大顆雞蛋
- 1/3杯 甜煉乳
- 300克白糖
- 烘焙用羊皮纸
- PAM 烹饪喷雾油
- 2 packs Quê Hương Frozen Grated Cassava
- 200ml coconut milk
- 4 tbsp melted butter
- 2 large eggs
- 1/3 cup sweetened condensed milk
- 300g white sugar
- Baking parchment paper
- PAM Cooking Sprays
步驟 / Directions:
- 在木薯粉中加水並倒入籃子中,靜置一小時。
- 將黃色的水倒掉,留下泡過水的木薯粉。
- 將所有的材料混合均勻,加入木薯粉及木屬淀粉。
- 將羊皮紙放入模具中。
- 將調配好且混和均勻的調料倒入放入羊皮紙的模具中,清蒸30分鐘。
- 以400度烤箱烘烤1小時30分鐘。
- 靜置冷卻30分鐘。大功告成!請享用美食!
- Add water to the cassava then pour into a basket, let stand for 1 hour.
- Then discard the yellow water, save the starch at the bottom of the basket.
- Mix all the ingredients, then add the cassava and the starch.
- Pam the mold, line the mold with parchment paper.
- Steam the cake for 1/2 hour.
- Then, bake 400°F, 1½ hour.
- Cool down 30 minutes. Done. Serve warm or cold.