配料 / Ingredients:

  • 一包7盎司長城牌蝦丸
  • 半磅新鮮草菇
  • 一顆青蔥
  • 3片姜
  • 1匙料酒
  • 1茶匙太白粉
  • 1茶匙胡椒粉
  • 鹽少許
  • 1 pack 7oz. Great Wall Bread Shrimp Balls
  • ½ lb fresh straw mushrooms
  • 1 green onion
  • 3 slice of ginger
  • 1 spoon cooking wine
  • 1 tsp. corn starch
  • 1 tsp. white pepper powder
  • 1 pinch of salt

步驟 / Directions:

  1. 青蔥切小段,姜切片
  2. 在沸水中將蝦丸煮3分鐘。撈出待用。
  3. 在沸水中加少許鹽,把草菇氽燙後撈出,沖涼。
  4. 鍋內放適量油,燒至七成熱,放入蝦丸過油,滑炒,倒出備用。
  5. 鍋內留少許油,炒青蔥段薑片炒香。加草菇,然後將蝦丸回鍋,加入料酒、鹽、胡椒粉、濕太白粉同炒至勻即可。
  1. Cut green onion into sections and slice the ginger.
  2. Boiling the shrimp balls in hot water 3 minutes. Fish out the shrimp balls. Set aside.
  3. Add a pinch of salt to the hot water, boil the Straw mushrooms shortly, fish the mushrooms out, rinse with cold water.
  4. Add 2 spoons of cooking oil, heat over high heat until almost smoking. Add shrimp balls to slip fried, take them out and then set aside.
  5. Leave some oil in the pan, high heat. Add green onion, ginger stir fry until smell the aroma. Add mushrooms, shrimp balls, cooking wine, salt, white pepper powder and wet corn starch stir fry well.